Lessons from Al-Fatiha (the Opening)
Disclaimer: The takeaways from the Quran are entirely based on my understanding and interpretation, which could help me better understand the Commandments of Allah and try to implement them in my life. May Allah guide us to the straight path. Ameen! Gratitude to Allah With being bestowed upon with a myriad of blessings, be it in terms of worldly pleasures or enlightenment towards learning the difference between right and wrong as per the commandments of Allah, acknowledging Allah with gratitude in every aspect of our life should deeply be ingrained as a habit (being practised multiple times a day). Whatever the case, "Alhamdulillah" should be as often as breathing. It comes from noticing and appreciating the little things in life, not only when something grand or on a fulfilment of a yearning desire but also for the things that go unnoticed to be considered as a blessing, like waking up on a brand new day, for not going to bed on an empty stomach, for having a shelter, a fam...